April: Waves and Water
RESOURCES: Listen and Breathe!
Remember everything below is OPTIONAL and only to be used to support your practice and study. No need to do any of it if it is not supportive.
Undrowned by Alexis Pauline Gumbis - Read Chapters 4, 5 and 6 Vulnerability, Presence, Fierceness. Or as Alexis suggests jump around a little! in that area.
Your identity regarding vulnerability/ies - Your soft spots. Do you have fellow soft spotters with similar scars and/ strengths? How has it felt over the years to open to your own vulnerability in this practice? Have you “disappeared” in a room/situation? Skillfully or automatically? Teachers, how do we support/protect/explore our own vulnerabilities in positions of authority? This interplay between softness and strength, the arising of strength, even fierceness out of surrender, release, vulnerability.
Recordings and References for 4/7:
Yemaya - Santeria Goddess of the Sea, to inspire fierceness and flow! This document includes some links if you are interested in background.
Aguasana - 45 minute Audio practice celebrating water and flow
Dharma Talk by Leela Sarti Open to Impact – Awakening the Human Heart. 42.29
Wave Breath - Pranayama - MP - 20mins