Mary Paffard Yoga

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Belly and Bum!

An In-Person Yoga Workshop at Nest Yoga, Oakland CA - 5/18

Fire Hydrant Pose in Costa Rica!

Saturday, May 18th

2:30 PM - 5:00 PM

In Person & Via Livestream; Recording access for 30 days

with Mary Paffard


How do we maintain a fluid and supportive relationship between the deep abdomen and the hip/pelvic area?

Many yogis overwork the external rotators, particularly the piriformis. We sometimes undervalue the power of the abdomen and the significance of a balance between strength and openness in the groins and outer pelvic muscles.

This workshop, through asana, breath, meditation and imagery, will open up the possibility of moving from inside to out and creating a harmonious and more natural dialogue between this 2nd and 1st chakra area.

Suitable for anybody who wants to maintain long term vitality and flexibility in the pelvis and an intimate connection to the core, knowing that there is a lot more to yoga than repetitive, mechanical movement!! Especially helpful for teachers and those who have had SI or sciatic issues.

Registration is through Nest Yoga at this link: