June 30 (for July): Manatee - Belly to Bum- Fearlesness and Fullness of Being

Remember everything below is OPTIONAL and only to be used to support your practice and study. No need to do any of it if it is not supportive.

Undrowned by Alexis Pauline Gumbis - Read Chapters 14, 17 and 18 - Surrender, Slow Down and Rest
- Enjoy being in the fullness of your belly to bum area and using water imagery of floating in the shallows to stay cool in the heat of the summer.

- How does the word “surrender” become vital for our existence? From the first part of Chpt 14, “What would it take to tune in with our environment enough to be in flow with the Earth. Instead of in struggle against it?” How would this apply to our relationship to our bodies, to our health, to our planetary roles that we are being asked to show up for?

- How do we shed? How do we cultivate the rest we need to shed what we don’t need like the Southern Sea Elephants who spend an entire month snuggling and resting and shedding!

The Sea Cow!


August 4 - Shallows and Depths - Starfish and Sperm Whale


June: Manta Ray - Iliacus and Sacrum