August 4 - Shallows and Depths - Starfish and Sperm Whale
Remember everything below is OPTIONAL and only to be used to support your practice and study. No need to do any of it if it is not supportive.
Undrowned by Alexis Pauline Gumbis - Read Chapters 15 and any that you may have missed along the way. Also the final chapter - Taking Care of Your Blessings
- Listen to the meditation at the beginning of Chapter 15 Go Deep and Alexis’s 7 Guides to Diving Deeper - Is there one of these that has particular resonance?
- Read the last chapter and the section on the Singing Seal who takes her time to let her pregnancy begin. She finds the right conditions and holds the seed until she is ready for implantation. How do we know the time is right for those deeper decisions, changes in direction, beginnings and endings? How do we find that song and let others know?
- Consider our voyage together and whatever you have enjoyed of this book and our exploration of the muses of the ocean, and our time in the pelvis and beyond? What has shifted, lingered, touched you? If you feel inclined please share it with us all in the blog posting below. And if you have a line for future publicity for a salon like this in 2025, please send it to me.
With much appreciation of you all!
Recordings and References for 8/4:
Poems for 8/3
Audio Practice:
Starfish and Ocean
Pinfigure pdf
38 Minute Audio